The Holiday Fun in DysFUNctional


The Holiday Fun in DysFUNctional

Written by Roxanne Vincent and Deb Voss Quail

Roxanne Vincent and Deb Voss Quail

Continued from page 1

Merriment There are important milestones in life; be sure to celebrate them. So much of time we forget to see how far we have come. Celebrate your seasonal accomplishments, even if they seem miniscule. Ifrepparttar holiday calendar is too cramped, schedule a recognition ceremony forrepparttar 130683 New Year, be it a promotion, a raise, an award, an anniversary, etc.  Pulitzer prizewinner Thornton Wilder said “My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate--that's my philosophy.”  While you’re at it, pamper yourself, too, by soaking in a fragrant bath, getting enough sleep, and taking brisk walks inrepparttar 130684 winter air to help your body secrete brain chemicals that counteract “Grinch” situations. Give Something Back Contrary to popular belief, you can take it with you!  Not gold, frankincense, or myrrh, but years of learning and experience that are called wisdom! Ponderrepparttar 130685 knowledge you hold from which someone else can benefit. How can you extend yourself forrepparttar 130686 good of others?  Is there someone you can mentor?  The “Season of Giving” is an especially appropriate time to share your time and talents, or make a firm commitment to do so right afterrepparttar 130687 holidays.

Roxanne Vincent and Deb Voss Quail sponsor the Insights For Women lecture series in Delafield, WI. Together they own Vincent Voss Ventures LLC, which publicizes and promotes programs of importance to women.

Surviving Life After Divorce

Written by Sharon Jacobsen

Continued from page 1

6. Don't drown yourself in guilt. You've probably said a few things that you didn't mean and now regret but you can't change that now. By all means apologise to your ex if it'll make you feel better, but don't expect your apology to change anything. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.

7. Re-discover yourself! How much of yourself did you give up during your relationship? Did you find yourself bending over backwards to satisfy your partner? Now isrepparttar time to start living for you! Doingrepparttar 130680 things that make YOU happy will increase your self-confidence. Get a new hair-cut, re-arrangerepparttar 130681 furniture, enrol on a course. Do anything you like, but do it for YOU.

8. Sort out your finances. Your financial situation is bound to have changed and it's important that you know exactly how much you have coming in. It's easy to start over-spending while you're wallowing in your self-pity. A little extra indulgence here and another there; it's easy to fall intorepparttar 130682 trap so don't be tempted. Getting yourself into debt will just make your life as a single woman unnecessarily difficult. If your income is low (or non-existent) contact Social Services Benefits Advice Service or your local Citizens Advice Bureau. They will have somebody available to assess your needs and help you claim any benefits that you may be eligible for.

9. Don't become lonely. You may have found that your "couple friends" no longer invite you over or that your married friends don't haverepparttar 130683 time to dorepparttar 130684 things you suggest. Don't panic. This is perfectly normal and as time passes you will gradually find new friends. Whatever you do, be positive when you are with others as positive people always attract more friends. When you meet new people, they don't want to listen to "doom and gloom". They don't know you yet and will probably find it difficult to be sympathetic to a complete stranger. Be cheery and make them smile, people will remember and like you for that.

10. Don't get involved onrepparttar 130685 rebound! We've all heard it, but when you meet "that" guy, it's so easy to forget. Keep your dates light and remember that there is a broad line between getting to know a person and bonding a close, intimate relationship. Don't try to jump that line, it's there to be crossed slowly. When you try to cross it too quickly you'll be forcingrepparttar 130686 relationship and forced relationships rarely last. Yes, I know there are some whirlwind romances that have survivedrepparttar 130687 test of time, but those arerepparttar 130688 exception, rather thanrepparttar 130689 rule.

I've been married, single and a live-in partner. All sorts of relationships have their good and bad sides. When you're single you might yearn forrepparttar 130690 stability of marriage; when you're married you may envyrepparttar 130691 freedom of your single friends. Whatever happens, whether you choose to remain single or forge a new relationship, don't keep comparing your life with that of your friends. You're unique - your life is exceptional! Enjoy it!

Sharon grew up in East London but moved to Norway at the age of 19, returning to England in 1998. She now lives in Cheshire with her partner and two of her three children. Besides writing, she is currently studying Social Science with The Open University, runs a web site where women in the UK can meet other women for platonic friendship (, potters in her garden, knits and reads everything she comes over.

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